Guild Charter



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To create a guild where GREATNESS is achieved  through; 
the pursuit of EXCELLENCE;
COLLABORATION by and among all members of  Armageddon; 
the PASSION of all members of Armageddon for the success of  Armageddon.

Greatness will be achieved when Armageddon is regarded as;

1. The premiere Guild on Brell Serilous by the Guild community.

2. A true leader in the gaming community, recongnized for achieving its goals in new and innovative ways.

To achieve this we need to;

a. Create an enviornment that is beneficial to all

b. Retain members-indicates how happy people are with Armageddon

c. Don't do anything to bring shame or dishonor to Armageddon

d. To be a Guild of people who have joined together to pursue learning for the benefit of al members of the Guild


©2000 By Armageddon